Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Modeling Reality With Virtual Worlds

Advancement in modern technology has bought us many unique and interesting ways in which we interact with others online. One of these advancement is the creation of virtual worlds. A digital space in which you can create new worlds or mimic the world as it is now. The relevance of virtual worlds continue to grow and compound as the computer age progresses. Virtual worlds are now being used in many capacities, more specifically as training exercises in the form of simulations in the aviation, and health care industry and as a coping mechanism for soldiers with PTSD returning from war as mentioned in the following article: After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot. April 30, 2013. http://www.forbes.com/sites/dianemehta/2013/04/30/after-second-life-can-virtual-worlds-get-a-reboot/.

The following are Pros and Cons of  Virtual World

  • There is no actual human interaction all interactions in the virtual worlds take place behind keyboards and computer screens.
  • May promote increased anti-social behavior
Virtual Worlds foster creativity by providing and environment of unlimited resources for digitally creative expression. In a sense in virtual worlds if you can conceive it you can create it. And there in lies the future for virtual worlds an place in which creation is unlimited.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

TWITR: Blog about twitter

one of the main differences between twitter ,blackboard  and class room discussions is that twitter is a public forum in which anyone can participate in the discussion regardless whether they're a part of the class. Blackboard and class rooms offer a more intimate/ closed setting in which the discussion may take place. Another major difference between classroom and discussions online via twitter or blackboard is the time lapse, for example in a class setting, since the participants are all physically present in the discussion dialogue is most often spontaneous and immediate on the other hand in online discussion if your not currently logged on to the feed , your ability to the discussion is most times delayed. Also the format for the discussion varies and this applies mainly to the online discussion blackboard offer a simple linear layout for dialogue whereas twitter presents a conundrum of @ and retweets which for the most part I find rather confusing.

Social Networking Sites

Comparing Twitter vs Facebook vs Instagram

I chose these sites for comparison because I have an active profile for all the above mentioned sites. Whats most amazing to me is the way in which many of my friends and I behave when interacting on each of these sites. For example when on twitter I feel a certain freedom in expressing my opinions, my followers are not necessarily known to me beyond their twitter profiles, which ironically fosters a sense of anonymity. Whereas on Facebook I have more of a sense of community/family since my Facebook friends list is made up mainly of relatives , childhood friends , colleagues and acquaintances. These are people I know and have met before therefore I am more conscientious of the content I upload unto Facebook. On the other hand my interactions on Instagram serves only to aide in my continuous narcissistic endeavours for me Instagram is a numbers game in which the amount of likes defines the winner. I am sure if some of us actually honestly questions our behaviour patterns on each of these sites we will find more gounds for similarity than anything else.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Social Networking

Social media has become a powerful marketing mechanism for both large established firms and entrepreneurs on a whole. Social media platforms provides companies with  a drastically cheaper alternative to  the traditional advertising vehicles like television commercials and roadside billboards. Its is reported that social media users are now numbered in the billions this affords many companies to exponential increase their target audience. What is most amazing about the  utilization of  social media as a marketing mechanism is that it readily allows for feedback between consumers and the companies that produce. In many ways it functions as a medium for research for these companies.  On the hand with the onset of Social media marketing in which companies are able to amass large amounts of data on users of social media platforms, consumers lose their anonymity. its ultimately gives companies an unfair advantage in which they are able to build specialized campaigns in which they can bombard consumers. Another negative aspect of the use of social media to tracking mechanism, Almost all online profiles are interconnected. I my estimation social media is on the fast track to become one of the most efficient marketplace in existence. I found the following articles insightful

Moguls of New Media

The MySpace member with a million 'friends.' The receptionist with a production deal. Some of the Web's amateur entertainers are becoming powerful players.By